Client Testimonials

21 Day Own Your Ominificence Shift graduates  & QueenDom Academy Boss Queens

During this 21 day  Shift I have been working on my confidence to shine internally as well as externally. I am understanding the value of self-worth and develop my butterfly wings to truly be authentically me and live my truth in my business with purpose and passion.

No one is me and that is my super power - and I feel that I am able to embrace this within the group.  I have been able to focus on me within a safe  and supportive group of business women within health and wellness - who are also working on their WHY and purpose, while maintaining their passion  from a place of growth, healing and forgiveness to myself.

We are a sisterhood, in which Neusa provides guidance,  and we are  able to support each other with words of wisdom from a place of lived experience.

The  Masterclass session and daily Facebook lives have been  golden in gaining the tools for business and working as team to grow our business together from a place of self-love.

I am discovering the value of my own experience, exploring success through meditation. I am also giving myself permission to stay still to reflect and walk in nature as part of my meditation.

This 21-day O.W.N Coaching programme has been a game-changer for me! 

I have done a similar type programme for 7 days at the beginning of this year but I feel I was really ready for this programme.

We were told there will be shifts, reflections and breakthroughs in this programme and there has been! 

I felt the shift starting in week one, where I felt a bit uncomfortable at times as I was out of my comfort zone a bit but I went with the flow. Things started happening, especially with my mindset. I stepped into a space where my mindset was more receptive to hear, see & do. My daily reflections made more sense as I learnt another new way to create a positive mindset for success. I also started to really affirm myself each day with positive, empowering affirmations, and I was in manifestation mode with some elements I wanted to bring into my life and my business. Within my second and third week, I had three breakthroughs, three opportunities for my business in 2022 were presented to me! The shift is real and I know I can do this. Success shows up in many ways.

This programme has met my expectations and more...our Coach, Neusa has made this possible by being the amazing woman she is, so supportive, inspiring and empowering us. Being our authentic self really helps in many ways, and Neusa being her authentic self, has made this programme easier and better for me. I know how amazing I am and I believe in myself and my abilities as a woman and as a Businesswoman. This programme has cemented these feelings. 

Now it is time to really act and follow through with my dreams, goals and vision.

The training, lessons, tips, accountability, empowerment & more which is provided to me is priceless!

I'm learning so much about myself, my abilities, my business, my achievements, my mindset, potential opportunities, my Superpower & how to elevate as Queen.

Neusa, you truly are a powerhouse of positivity, goodness, fun, nurturing, empowering, empathetic, driven, determined, caring, supportive, intuitive, focused and so much more...and importantly you are a Queen - Thank you for the journey so far.

I look forward to 2022 with my crown firmly straight, as I continue to walk in my purpose.

This week has been so encouraging as we've been looking at taking control of your own life and has shown me the strength I hold. I can create the life I want to have and become the person I want to be . I have gained back my confidence in a new way, as I am believing in and loving myself more. SELF CARE/ SELF LOVE 

During the masterclass I have gained skills which are going to help me develop and grow my business. 

The daily meditations have also been a great routine for me. It has bought more structure for my day, along with my gratitude time with God, which brings me peace. 

This has been perfect as it starts my day off with a clear energy and thoughts. It's helped me in my work environment,  when dealing with colleagues, being mindful of how I speak as words are powerful.  

We have reached the end of our 21 days.  Neusa, your programme has been brilliant.  I have  learnt so many skills and tools in how to move forward with my business.  

I have seen a big shift and I'm excited to see what else is in store. Neusa you have brought me back to a good place, opening my eyes and helping me to move forward as a confident business woman. I will continue to use the tools you have given me to develop my business skills and be the best version of me. 

I will be looking into how I can write my story.  I am so Grateful that I was able to work alongside such inspirational ladies. Thank you.

During this 21 day group I have been working on my confidence to shine internally as well as externally. I am understanding the value of self-worth and develop my butterfly wings to truly be authentically me and live my truth in my business with purpose and passion.

No one is me and that is my super power - and I feel that I am able to embrace this within the group.

The first week had me forgiving and freeing myself from unforgiveness and starting to own my omnificent self. I have also started to build a positive relationship with money. I left my call with Neusa this week feeling hopeful about money and that 'I've got this!' I have now started money affirmations.

A big success for me so far is starting to not feel that I have to be everything to everyone including my lovely son and stretching job.

My job has been a huge tire and bother for me because I knew I wanted a better life that allows me to have 'me time', my evenings and weekends for myself. Due to feeling so overwhelmed at the time about how this will affect work I was planning to stay put.

This wasn't for long however, as I selfcared, meditated on different messages with Bible texts each day, started to value myself and what's important to me, my thinking started to SHIFT.

Before I knew it, a job in a different setting became available, I had applied, asked for early release for work, got the release I requested- praise God! Decided to move on, claimed the job I applied for after a chat with Neusa and prayer on a Wednesday night, On Friday called for an interview and … I continue to claim what I want as I receive it in faith.

It is amazing how meeting and talking with the right people and being in the right circle can start the transformation you've desired.

Additionally, how I have viewed my natural skincare hobby have changed. It is now a developing business (Nature's Traits Shea) that's thriving because I believe so.  I love making my products and with recent assurance, that my babies (my products) are beautiful and quality, including Neusa's great feedback after receiving and using Nature's Traits Shea, I am launching in. 

I have also been inspired to start my tutoring dream (Nurture Boost Tutoring) I have wanted to start. This is coming, it is here. 

I am now writing down what I desire, for example, I want this job and to become skilled at it - so much that I impact all who I come in contact with, I want 4 tutees for a group session 1 day per week to begin with. I am claiming and affirming it.

Prayer, faith, mindset and self belief are so much and more. Thank You God! I prayed for direction and more 'power house people' in my life and you delivered yet again and continue to do so.

Going through this course was  a defining moment for me having to deal with things in my past that I had never had the courage to deal with. Being able to look at my past with gratitude and not regret has freed me from the disconnection I felt with my roots. I am feeling more confident and connected to me by embracing the ethnic girl within me . I have reconnected with some of my very important friends and let go of some areas of my past that don't serve me . 

What more I wake up energised and embrace life with an even greater approach. I exercise not because I don't love myself but because It is my place of happiness.

How to Stop Being Everything to Everyone - 6 Week Group Programme 

Amy Hornibrook - Blogger, Coach

I can honestly say it’s has made a difference. Just using the brain dump alone has helped with my sleep. I have spent weeks struggling with overthinking and dealing with negative thoughts as I try to sleep. But I have found that unloading my thoughts before bed just feels like a release. I have been doing this with the heart exercise. I have started to develop my morning rituals also, and what I feel works for me. I’ve felt so light. I can’t say everything has gone perfect, as today I do feel pretty heavy but that’s due to a situation out of my control. but I am doing better than what I have experienced in recent months. I actually started working out again after months of not moving, I feel so proud of myself.  This is just me doing something that might help me each day. One day at a time.

I have also accepted that this is a process and I am going at my pace, and what works for me. This is something I battled with and got really overwhelmed and it was having a negative effect on me while also dealing with everything else. But I have allowed myself to be at peace. Just taking one day at a time. 

Lauron Vashti Macauley, Author

Throughout this journey so far I have learned so much. I have brain dumped since Neusa introduced me to it and it has now become a daily habit. I no longer ponder on the things that happened yesterday but instead accept them and continue to have great days.

I created a space in my home that is motivating and inspiring for me to be able to create, plan, and work. Every week I plan my days and structure the tasks that need to be completed.

Because I have a routine, I am able to provide my children with a great routine that works for us all. Most importantly we spend amazing quality time together and I no longer feel guilty about the time I could have possibly spent with them.

My anxiety has calmed right the way down! I now look onto the present moment than worrying about the future that has not happened yet. 

Meditation is genius!

Ayse Omer 

I struggle a lot with procrastination and in this program I have learned that it’s okay to feel vulnerable.  Since starting I  have painted my bathroom ceiling! Intend on having it all done in the next couple weeks, this was a big achievement for me.  

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